My Anger Grows Deeper and Deeper
Its been three years since I started trying to combat left-wing lies and anti-Americanism – first with an e-mail group and, now for one year, my own weblog. I’d always been a news and political junkie, but with the blog I substantially increased my exposure to world and national issues by putting in 3-5 hours a day of research and writing. My problem is simple: every day I find myself growing angrier and angrier as I more and more discover just how extensive the web of lies and the hate-America fifth column has penetrated areas of government, public schools, colleges, the media and entertainment. Every day there are new instances of people who ought to be thanking God they were privileged to be born in this great country actually undermining the institutions and civic commitment to the country of their birth.
From the forged documents of Dan Rathergate to the Katrina lies, from the Valerie Plame-Joseph Wilson plot to the incredible, subtle suggestions from Howard Dean and Harry Reid that President Bush might possibly have been involved in a 9/11 plot, we get nothing but lies that are then amplified and spread by the New York Times and the TV networks. This is not disagreement with policy; this is criminal fraud.
And this dishonesty extends to the treatment of the only democratic country in the Middle East, Israel, a country forced to defend itself against barbaric murderers every day of its existence. The reporting by the American press in publishing doctored and stage-managed photographs over and over again, and long after their fakery was well known, and the false news reports that completely ignored the human shields being exploited by the Hezbollah leave no doubt that our press cannot be trusted. The major media have a left-wing agenda that is the driving force in all their reporting, and, with respect to Israel, that agenda is accompanied by anti-Semitism as well.
The anti-Semitism and the refusal to face facts about Islamofascist terrorism is not centered only on Israel, and I am not the only one to see this and be angered by it. A fellow blogger had this to say today:
“This is becoming an appalling habit in the press and by politicians. An Islamic fundamentalist shoots Jews in a Synagogue, and it’s some sort of random incident. An Islamic fundamentalist uses his SUV to kill people partly in front of a Synagogue, and in what would appear to be a somewhat “Jewish neighborhood” and the press takes several hours to cover the story (probably looking for the appropriate “frame,”) and until someone in authority can be found to sing out, “ROAD RAGE”! Yeah, that’s the ticket! Road rage! Mayor Newsom sees no problem, here…a “relatively young” person, obviously confused! Yes, that’s the ticket!
Omeed Aziz Popal, the poor confused youngster, is 29 years old.
Can you imagine, if someone had (God forbid!) driven a car into 14 black people, how quickly the press would have managed to cover the story? Can you imagine that Mayor Newsom would call it “road rage” and suggest that there really probably wasn’t a “hate crime” attached to the action?
What the hell is wrong with the press, what the hell is wrong with the leadership? Why are they so incapable of calling anti-semitism what it is, of calling a terrorist action what it is? Newsflash, folks, when someone decides to drive his car into people as they’re crossing the street, it’s the same as tossing a molotov cocktail at them, it’s the same as tossing a grenade. It is destructive, it kills people and terrifies communities, that is called t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m! Hey, guess what, fellas, we don’t need no stinking anthrax to kill and terrify…we can use our cars.”
Note: The shooting of six people happened on July 28 by a Muslim named, Naveed Afzal Haq. The deliberate car crash happened on August 29.
Yes, what the hell IS wrong with the press and with people who never have anything good to say about this country and who can’t tell the truth about anything unless it fits their preconceived agenda? The day has arrived when all knowledgeable people will get all their information about what is happening in the world only from trusted websites. Broadcast TV and newspapers will continue their downward spiral until they finally completely disintegrate. Even the just released hostages from FoxNews blather about what wonderful people the Palestinian barbarians are. I’m really angry.