Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Seniors Who Put Obama in Office Will Lose the Most

As Obama continues to press his plan for federally-mandated healthcare that clearly is meant to morph into a single-payer, socialist healthcare program, those who have the most to lose should face the fact that they elected him by staying home last November.

Senior citizens, the same group who couldn’t be bothered to learn of Obama’s true character and plans, and couldn’t be bothered to vote, put Obama into the presidency. It is the elderly who will be the first ones to be denied healthcare services under Obama’s plan, which squeezes out Medicare providers to pay for the plan. It is Senior Citizens who will first experience Canadian waiting times under Obama’s plan.

Voting rate dips in 2008 as older whites stay home

By HOPE YEN AP via Google News July 21, 2009 (Excerpt)

WASHINGTON — For all the attention generated by Barack Obama's candidacy, the share of eligible voters who actually cast ballots in November declined for the first time in a dozen years. The reason: Older whites with little interest in backing either Barack Obama or John McCain stayed home.

Census figures released Monday show about 63.6 percent of all U.S. citizens ages 18 and older, or 131.1 million people, voted last November.

Although that represented an increase of 5 million voters — virtually all of them minorities — the turnout relative to the population of eligible voters was a decrease from 63.8 percent in 2004.

Ohio and Pennsylvania were among those showing declines in white voters, helping Obama carry those battleground states.

"While the significance of minority votes for Obama is clearly key, it cannot be overlooked that reduced white support for a Republican candidate allowed minorities to tip the balance in many slow-growing 'purple' states," said William H. Frey, a demographer for the Brookings Institution, referring to key battleground states that don't notably tilt Democrat or Republican.

"The question I would ask is if a continuing stagnating economy could change that," he said.

According to census data, 66 percent of whites voted last November, down 1 percentage point from 2004. Blacks increased their turnout by 5 percentage points to 65 percent, nearly matching whites. Hispanics improved turnout by 3 percentage points, and Asians by 3.5 percentage points, each reaching a turnout of nearly 50 percent. In all, minorities made up nearly 1 in 4 voters in 2008, the most diverse electorate ever.

By age, voters 18-to-24 were the only group to show a statistically significant increase in turnout, with 49 percent casting ballots, compared with 47 percent in 2004.

Blacks had the highest turnout rate among this age group — 55 percent, or an 8 percentage point jump from 2004. In contrast, turnout for whites 18-24 was basically flat at 49 percent. Asians and Hispanics in that age group increased to 41 percent and 39 percent, respectively.

Among whites 45 and older, turnout fell 1.5 percentage point to just under 72 percent.

Asked to identify their reasons for not voting, 46 percent of all whites said they didn't like the candidates, weren't interested or had better things to do, up from 41 percent in 2004. Hispanics had similar numbers for both years.

Not surprisingly, blacks showed a sharp increase in interest.

Although the RINO’s in the Republican Party continue to resist the facts, it has become more and more obvious that conservatives (who polls show constitute a plurality in America) were so disappointed by the nomination of the liberal, McCain, that they sat on their hands last November. Some way has to be found to limit the seating and counting of Republican delegates to state primaries open only to registered Republican voters. In 2008, independents and Democrats gave the nomination to McCain before voters in red states had a chance to vote.


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At 6:35 AM, Anonymous mason said...

I also saw this article and found it saddening. Our own age group , who are the wisest, chose not to vote because they didn't like either candidate. I didn't either and no one our age have I found liked either one. We just had to vote for the less evil..not the one we wanted. I also can synpathize with them...we fight all our lives trying to steer the country in the right direction and then we have a large ignorant majority who don't want to learn (because they know it all) voting for a fast talking narcisstic socialist leading them astray to the slaughter

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Bob E Sherman said...

Russell, why are you still dwelling on the election? This country is so evenly divided that I'm beginning to think we should abolish Congress and settle everyting by "rock, paper,scissors." If you don't think health care in America needs reworking you've got your head in the sand. Is Obama on the right track? God only knows. I'm trying to read the 1000 page draft of the bill. I'm happy with my medicare advantage plan now, but it's the first plan that I ever liked, so I don't want to see it changed. The Advantage Plans are mentioned in the bill. However, I'll be damned if I can figure out yet how it will affect me.

At 4:35 AM, Blogger RussWilcox said...

Bob Sherman I'd like to motivate seniors who sat it out to get off their duffs and help defeat this dangerous demagogue.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Joe said...

As much as I disliked John McCain with an intensity that goes back many years ago when he was a good pal of John Kerry and also an anti gun advocate with the Sarah "Brady bunch", I voted for him. I knew that Obama was going to be scary and I tried to tell people that. Six months have gone by and this president has proved himself to be inept, arrogant, and narcissistic. He should be impeached.


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