Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Palestinians Left Our Sympathy in Norway

Let’s review a little history and make reference to the Oslo Accords, an agreement “brokered by Norway after months of secret negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1993. By its terms, Israel and the PLO recognized each other. The PLO renounced terrorism, and Israel agreed to withdraw its military and civil authorities from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho, granting self-rule to Palestinians in these areas and a lesser degree of self-rule to other parts of the Occupied Territories.” From Wikipedia

Once the Oslo Accords were signed, they were followed by their trashing and by the Intifada, a continuous state of war, wherein Palestinians and other Arabs have tried to kill as many Israelis as they can. Because of this rejection and Intifada, I don’t believe any reasonable person can possibly support the so-called Palestinian cause. If it wasn’t before, it has become completely obvious that Palestinians have no interest in real negotiations and are totally devoted to driving every Israeli they cannot exterminate into the sea.

On a daily basis Palestinians fire deadly rockets filled with shrapnel (these are called cluster-bombs by most people) into Israel. They tunnel under the walls in order to let loose homicide bombers on innocent women and children. When the Israelis shoot back and hit someone, the Palestinians call in the Associated Press and Reuters and emote about how awful the Israelis are, those bloodthirsty Jews! Is there any clear-thinking person in the world who doesn’t know that, if the Palestinians stopped trying to kill Israelis, the Israelis would stop shooting back?

This week, in response to these terrorist acts, the Israelis may have missed their targets (homes, mosques and other buildings where the Palestinians hide their missile launchers as does Hezbollah), and children and supposedly-innocent adults were killed and injured. The Israelis apologized, as they have done in similar circumstances over the years. When the Palestinians issue an apology for their murder of innocents, it will be their first.

What I think we have to take note of is that the Palestinians have now this week called for the murder of Americans.
This called to mind the scene after 9/11 of Palestinians dancing in the streets in celebration of our deaths. I will never forget that scene nor will I forget the sound of that special pulsing wail Arab women make as they cheer. I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, but this new threat came immediately after the Democrats took Congress, and the President hinted at a possible change in Iraq policy. Perhaps the PLO should be reminded that American policy under both Republicans and Democrats is clear: we support the Palestinians gaining a state of their own through negotiation, but Israel, a democracy, is a permanent ally of the USA, and we will continue to support her fight for survival in every way.

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At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross, to answer your rhetorical question, sadly, it seems there are A LOT OF clear-thinking people who think exactly that: it's OK for the muslims/arabs to kill Israelis and the Israelis should not fight back. Or could it be that there are so many people with muddled brains?

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross, to answer your rhetorical question, sadly, it seems there are A LOT OF clear-thinking people who think exactly that: it's OK for the muslims/arabs to kill Israelis and the Israelis should not fight back. Or could it be that there are so many people with muddled brains?


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