Saturday, October 28, 2006

Florida Voting and Some Questions on the Election

My area of Florida has a wonderful early voting system in place, and I was able to vote the other day. I had to present my driver’s license, thus preventing voter fraud so prevalent in some areas, and I voted using a touch-screen computerized machine. The early voting system meant no lines, and the whole process took about 5-10 minutes – even with several lengthy amendments to consider. I was very pleased that Florida has a constitutional amendment on the ballot that should end using eminent domain to take private property to turn over to other private owners – a horrendous practice now legal since the US Supreme Court rendered its Kelo v. New London decision. I certainly voted for it, and I hope it passes.

My thoughts turned to the following points as I voted Republican across the board: if Congress or the president were Democrat,

1. would a 700 mile fence on the southern border have been approved?

2. would the Dept. of Homeland Security have been directed to stop all illegal immigration by land and sea within 18 months?

3. would Justices Alito and Roberts have been named and confirmed?

4. would the interception of communications by foreign Al Qaeda have stopped the plan to blow up 10 transatlantic jets from England to the US?

5. would banking transactions by Al Qaeda be tracked?

6. would the rights of US citizens have been given to foreign terrorists?

7. would tax cuts have pulled us out of both the Clinton recession and the 9/11 recession – leading to low unemployment, low inflation and high growth?

8. since Gerry Studds had actual sex with a minor and stayed a Democrat in a Democrat Congress for 13 years, would Mark Foley have been told to resign for online sex?

9. and, as for Iraq, would we be able to see this video ?

And if you are an Evangelical Christian and are disappointed that you didn’t get everything you wanted recently, consider the following:

“Justice John Paul Stevens is 86. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 73. Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy are both 70. Justice Stephen Breyer is 68. Justice David Souter is 67.

Senators elected in November will be casting votes on replacements for how many of these six justices during their six year terms? It is in the realm of possibility that all six will retire in the next half-dozen years, and a near certainty that more than one will.” Hugh Hewitt

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