Sunday, October 07, 2012

How Obama Wasted 4000 Soldiers and Billions

This image by Michael G. Reagan shows a detail of a poster featuring dozens of hand-drawn portraits of men and women killed at war. Since starting the Fallen Heroes Project in 2004, Reagan has drawn more than 3,000 portraits of the fallen soldiers and given them, free of charge, to their families. (Michael Reagan, The Associated Press)

Conservatives don’t get angry anymore when the mainstream press ignores 2000 deaths and defeat in Afghanistan under Obama when they crucified Bush for 2000 deaths in Iraq. We have come to expect such biased treatment.

What should make us very angry is how Obama has wasted all we gained in Iraq, and changed the rules in Afghanistan thus causing the 2000 deaths and defeat.

Obama inherited a peaceful and democratic Iraq with 150,000 American combat troops in place and a previous expectation that Iraq would replace Saudi Arabia as the forward base for a sizeable troop presence to protect the oil fields and oil routes and keep a lid on Iran. Instead we now have 100 military instructors there, and an obstructionist Iraq to contend with.

In Afghanistan, Obama changed the policy from a successful counterterrorism strategy to counterinsurgency (nation building), thus repeating the exact error that defeated the Russians there. He went on to change the ROE (Rules of Engagement) so that American soldiers can hardly defend themselves. Obama also put in place a policy regarding captured terrorists that is so complex and impossible to follow in battlefield conditions that practically all useful intelligence efforts have dried up because the only solution for the combat soldier is to kill the enemy and not try to capture him.

Almost to make sure of failure, Obama then announced a pull-out date of 2014, in a country where time is measured in centuries.

No wonder General McChrystal was caught saying Obama is an idiot.

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At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Consider sending some of your stuff as letters to editors...

Ed K

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Obama inherited a peaceful and democratic Iraq with 150,000 American combat troops in place and a previous expectation that Iraq would replace Saudi Arabia as the forward base for a sizeable troop presence to protect the oil fields and oil routes and keep a lid on Iran."

What are you smoking?

If your neocons hadn't invaded Iraq, Saddam Hussein's Iraq would still be standing as a bulwark against Iran and we and the Israelis would have one less problem to deal with.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger RussWilcox said...

Can a liberal ever discuss the issue involved, which was how Obama wasted all that was sacrificed in Iraq, not whether going into Iraq was a good idea or not? It came out in last night's debate that Obama entrusted the Status of Forces agreement to that idiot, Biden, so now we know why.


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