Thursday, July 05, 2007

Where the Arts Were Too Liberal

I’ve devoted many columns to my concerns over the extent to which extreme left-wing philosophy has taken over in so many colleges and universities in America. I’ve discussed Ward Churchill, professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, who was almost jubilant at 9/11, calling the people who were slaughtered, “little Eichmanns”, and who is facing revocation of his tenure there. I’ve referred to the instructor at another college who told his students that President Bush is worse than “Hitler”, and of Chicago's Columbia College, where a curated exhibit included a sheet of mock postage stamps bearing the words “Patriot Act" and depicting President Bush with a gun to his head. The faculty at these colleges obviously cross the line both in the dishonesty of presenting their irrelevant political opinions in courses they teach and in the extreme language used. We wish this to end, and for political correctness to give way to free discussion and some balance.

Antioch College, where this dangerous nonsense had taken root in dramatic fashion, has now paid a severe, but deserved price for this poison. Antioch used to be a well-respected institution, and it is a little sad that it is closing, but so be it, and let’s have more closings if that’s what it takes.

Where the Arts Were Too Liberal

By MICHAEL GOLDFARB, June 17, 2007, New York Times

THIS is an obituary for a great American institution whose death was announced this week. After 155 years, Antioch College is closing.

Established in 1852 in Yellow Springs, Ohio, by the kind of free-thinking Christian group found only in the United States, Antioch College was egalitarian in the best tradition of American liberalism. The college’s motto, not in Latin or Greek but plain English, was coined by Horace Mann, its first president: “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

For most of its history the institution lived up to that calling. It was one of the first coeducational colleges in the United States, and at a time when slavery was being practiced 70 miles to the south of its campus, it was one of the first colleges not to make a person’s race a factor in admission. It was also the first to appoint a woman as a full professor. All this happened before Lincoln became president.

Later Antioch would incorporate pragmatism, that most native of American philosophies, into its curriculum, balancing a student’s experience of learning inside the ivory tower with regular jobs off campus in the “real” world.

Yet it was in the high tide of liberal activism that the college lost its way. I know this firsthand, because I entered Antioch in the fall of 1968, just when the tide was nearing its peak. So much of the history of 1968 reflects an America in crisis, but if you were young and idealistic it was a time of unparalleled excitement. The 2,000 students at Antioch, living in a picture-pretty American village, provided a laboratory for various social experiments of the time.

With a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the college increased African-American enrollment to 25 percent in 1968, from virtually nil in previous years. The new students were recruited from the inner city. At around the same time, Antioch created coeducational residence halls, with no adult supervision. Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll became the rule, as you might imagine, and there was enormous peer pressure to be involved in all of them. No member of the faculty or administration, and certainly none of the students, could guess what these sudden changes would mean. They were simply embraced in the spirit of the time.

I moved into this sociological petri dish from a well-to-do suburb. Within my first week I twice had guns drawn on me, once in fun and once in a state of drunken for real by a couple of ex-cons whom one of my classmates, in the interest of breaking down class barriers, had invited to live with her.

My roommate began the tortured process of coming out of the closet, first by pursuing women relentlessly and then accepting the truth and allowing himself to be pursued by men. He needed to talk all this out with himself when he came in each morning at 4 a.m., and in the face of his personal crisis, there was little I could do to assert my right to sleep. It was a mad, dangerous and painful time, but I do think I was made stronger for having to deal with these experiences.

Each semester, the college seemed to create a new program. “We need to take education to the people” became a mantra, and so satellite campuses began to sprout around the country. Something called Antioch University was created, and every faculty member whose marriage was going bad or who simply couldn’t hack living in a village of 3,000 people and longed for the city came up with a proposal to start a new campus.

“It was liberalism gone mad,” a former professor, Hannah Goldberg, once told me, and she was right. The college seemed to forget the pragmatism that had been a key to its ethos, and tried blindly to extend its mission beyond education to social reform. But there were too many new programs and too little cash reserve to deal with the inevitable growing pains.

For the increasingly vocal radical members of the community, change wasn’t going far enough or fast enough. They wanted revolution, but out there in the middle of the cornfields the only “bourgeois” thing to fight was Antioch College itself. The let’s-try-anything, free-thinking society of 1968 evolved into a catastrophic blend of legitimate paranoia (Nixon did keep enemies lists, and the F.B.I. did infiltrate campuses) and postadolescent melodrama. In 1973, a strike trashed the campus and effectively destroyed Antioch’s spirit of community. The next year, student enrollment was down by half.

Most of the talented faculty members began to leave for other institutions, and the few who were dedicated to rebuilding the Yellow Springs campus found themselves increasingly isolated. The college that gave the Antioch University system its name had become just another profit center in a larger enterprise and not even the most important one at that.

Antioch College became a rump where the most illiberal trends in education became entrenched. Since it is always easier to impose a conformist ethos on a small group than a large one, as the student body dwindled, free expression and freedom of thought were crushed under the weight of ultraliberal orthodoxy. By the 1990s the breadth of challenging ideas a student might encounter at Antioch had narrowed, and the college became a place not for education, but for indoctrination. Everyone was on the same page, a little to the left of The Nation in worldview.

Much of this conformist thinking focused on gender politics, and it culminated in the notorious sexual offense prevention policy. Enacted in 1993, the policy dictated that a person needed express permission for each stage in seduction. (“May I touch your breast?” “May I remove your bra?” And so on.) In two decades students went from being practitioners of free love to prisoners of gender. Antioch became like one of those Essene communities in the Judean desert in the first century after Christ that, convinced of their own purity, died out while waiting for a golden age that never came.

I grieve for the place with all the sadness, anger and self-reproach you feel when a loved one dies unnecessarily. I grieve for Antioch the way I grieve for the hope of 1968 washed away in a tide of self-inflated rhetoric, self-righteousness and self-indulgence.

The ideals of social justice and economic fairness we embraced then are still right and deeply American. The discipline to turn those ideals into realities was what Antioch, its community and the generation it led was lacking. I fear it still is.

Michael Goldfarb, a former public radio correspondent, is the author of “Ahmad’s War, Ahmad’s Peace: Surviving Under Saddam, Dying in the New Iraq.”


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At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Stick to computers, your mind is too narrow to appreciate anything that isn't fed to you by Big Media, especially anything that has to do with societal complexity.


At 3:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last reesponder calling Russ to stick to his computer and not to meddle in societal concerns...unfortunately you are like a number of other liberals and existentialists who don their ompthaloskepsis shield whenever they encounter some realism that don't fit into their make believe world

At 4:50 AM, Blogger RussWilcox said...

I tried to look up ompthaloskepsis, and even now, I still don't know what it means.

At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I see it, the big media always had control of all the news stations, and we had to listen to their Liberal biased hogwash for years before Fox News, the INTERNET, and conservative talk radio, which I might add is more popular than Liberal talk radio. If it wasn't for Secular Progressive billionaires like George Soros pumping useless money into Air America, that program would have went bankrupt a whole lot sooner than it did. In the final analysis, the people decide what they want to listen to, not some small group of two bit left Wing Socialist Pinkos.

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... means contmplating on one's own navel

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, if you say so. Just keep drinking that Kool-Aid!

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the spelling...the coreect spelling is without the 't'.... omphaloskepsis

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